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Classic Comic Book Cover : Batman # 129

This is the cover to Batman # 129 made during their "wacky period". The villain tells Batman & Robin, "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER, BATMAN, OR I'LL TURN THE FAN TO FULL SPEED---AND BATWOMAN WILL BE DOOMED!". Ha Ha, great stuff!

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Photos: 2 Vintage Batman Toys & a Comic Book Ad

The title for this post isn't too exciting is it? But the pictures are pretty cool. One of the toys shown here I have never seen before. It's the 1st picture with the BAT-COPTER Model Kit that has the original box, from the 1960's. I have never never NEVER seen this so it's gotta be super-RARE! Thank you Donald for sending the photo. The next item is pretty cool & also very obscure. This is the Batman Battery Tester from 1975. You know this item was fun to play with for hours & hours, ha ha! I do like the vintage graphics because it looks like Carmine Infantino art work. The last picture is an ad for SILLY PUTTY from inside a comic book. It's from the 60's & I thought it was kinda cool. Thanks again Donald for sending us the photo of this rare model kit. If any other members have photos of their RARE Batman pieces then please e-mail them to us. The Bat-Blog is ALL about sharing the love of collecting Batman...Thanx!!

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NEW BATMAN TOY : Toys-R-Us Clearance Sale This Week

Today, while running errands, I was listening to the radio when all of a sudden there was a commercial for Toys-R-Us stating that they were having a Major Clearance Sale. So, for the hell of it, I went up there to check it out. I found a cool Batman toy called The BATWAVE Device. It's was originally over-priced at $24.99 but on sale now at around $4.00!! Basically it's this communicator-looking thing is a device that you use while watching th new "The Batman" cartoon. You point the device at the TV & it picks up signals that give you video games to play. They also had a sale on Batman Birthday supplies like napkins, paper plates, cups, I got everything there for 80 cents a package.

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While surfing the net recently I came across this group of really talented tattoo artists in Santa Cruz, California named STAIRCASE TATTOOS. They feature a lot of nice examples of tattoo work but my favorite was this one of Batman. Now, I know I have seen the original comic book art this was taken from but can't remember. it's driving me crazy so if anyone knows please tell me, ha ha!

If you wanna check out more of their tattoo art then visit their website:

As a side note ~ 2 Bat-Blog readers were kind enough to remind me that this was the cover to "Batman: Shadow of the Bat # 1" with the art work by Brian Stelfreeze...Thanx guys!

CLICK HERE For More Batman Tattoos of The Dark Knight!

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Designer Sneakers : BATMAN SHOES By Ubiq Fatima of Japan

While using a Japanese Search Engine I found these NEW Batman "Designer" Sneakers by a company called UBIQ FATIMA. They feature Golden Age graphics of 1940's Batman Newspaper Comic Strips. They are only available in Japan & maybe some super-exclusive stores in the US. The only price quote I was able to find is the Japanese price of 16,800 Yen. Which, I think, is about $146.50 US Dollars. There are 2 choices: One is colored with bright primary colors and the other is pure black & white. I love the shoe box design & the use of the vintage-style Batman comic book logo on the back of the shoe is really cool! I'm too poor to afford these right now so if any Bat-Blog members are super-rich ( & feeling generous ) you can buy me a pair of these cool shoes, ha ha! No, seriously, just ask for my address.

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What If?...Fisher Price Made Batman Little People??

Tonight I checked out the Bat-Blog Message Board and one of our members, named Jeff, who's a pretty talented artist, came up with the concept of "What If" Fisher Price had made some Little people who looked like Batman characters. What would they look like. I think this is a great idea & I wish they would make them!! This idea is so brilliant I'm kind of shocked nobody else has done this, ha ha. I know that toy collectors would flip over these & little kids would love playing with them. I have been noticing that Hasbro has been making Mr. Potato Head as Darth Vader& the other day I saw one of Spiderman. Ya know, they should make one of Batman. Probably during the Dark Knight movie I bet they will!

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    Bat-Video: Zeller's Batman & Robin TV Commercial w/ The Penguin

    Here's a really great vintage TV Commercial for Zeller's TOY LAND with Batman, Robin, & the super-villain Penguin. We've featured some more of these great Zeller's Department Store TV Commercials in previous posts so be sure to check them out. You might need to look in the BAT-ARCHIVES which is located on the right-side of this blog, near the bottom.

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    High-Fashion DOLCE & GABANNA Batman T-Shirt

    I'm a simple man & I don't spend a lot of money on clothes. I gotta save my hard-earned cash for Vintage Batman Toys!! But, if I were rich, I might buy one of these cool T-Shirts. Well, ok, maybe not!! The other day a Bat-Blog reader wrote to us about a great shirt he found while surfing thru the DOLCE & GABANNA Clothing website. Recently DOLCE & GABANNA released a Batman-Themed Clothing Line. Here's an example of one of the shirts. As you can see from the close-up photos Batman is placed on the T-shirt with sequins. I don't understand fashion one bit I guess because this seems wayyy too pretty for a man's shirt. Plus, it's really really expensive. But it looks like it's great quality & this is something this company is known, I'm a simple man.

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    2 Batman Desktop Background Wallpapers

    Here's 2 really cool Batman graphics for a desktop wallpaper or as a background in a MySpace layout! The 1st one shows the majestic Bat-Signal shining in the clouds of Gotham City...a nice Bat-Symbol for sure! The 2nd one is a recent action figure toy of Batman in the classic blue/gray costume outfit, one of my favorites! Both of them are pretty cool. Go ahead & try them, you'll see. If you're looking for even more Batman theme wallpapers then be sure to check out our BATMAN WALLPAPERS PAGE. The link button is on the right-side of this blog. We also post NEW wallpapers every Wednesday so if you dig thru the ARCHIVES then you can find them all ( The "Bat-Archives" are on the right-side too, down low )...with both sources there are nearly 100 of them!

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    Bat-Video: Zeller's Batman & Robin TV Commercial w/ The Joker

    This is mainly a test of one of Blogger's new functions where you can embed your own videos. This video is a TV Commercial for the toy department of Zeller's Stores. Zellers is mainly located in Canada so a lot of Americans have never seen them before....a real treat.

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    THE DARK KNIGHT: Hershey's Chocolate Candy Promotion for New Batman Movie

    Here's a picture I blatantly stole from a friend's Batman Fan web page because I think it's kind of cool. Ha Ha, sorry, Jason. Here's some prototype photos showing what the Reese's Pieces candy bar wrapper is gonna look like once THE DARK KNIGHT Batman Movie is out. It also looks like Batman will be featured on the Kit Kat candy bar too. Below that is a picture showing the "advertising header card" that will probably be a store display. At the bottom of that they show the URL for their site as REESESBATMAN.COM but I checked & the site isn't up yet....stay tuned, we'll let ya know when it does. Oh, my friend's page I stole this picture from actually has a pretty cool blog. Here's the URL, check it out!!

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    Vintage Batman Toys: BATMAN BEYOND Burger King Kid's Club Toys

    Now when I think of "Vintage" I think of stuff from the 1950's & 60's, maybe even the 70's or 80's. But I guess you can label anything "Vintage" that's NOT in the stores any more....hmmm, I wonder. Here's an example: Shown here is a graphic showing all the fast food toys in the complete set of 8 BATMAN BEYOND toys from the Burger King Kid's Club meals ©2000. I remember when these came out & I got a few but I think I'm missing some so I found this picture to use as a guide. In the future I plan to complete this set. Anyway, I really love the BATMAN BEYOND cartoon. I remember the days before this TV show came out & I was very skeptical. I mean, the promo art I was seeing sort of had me worried. But, after it came out, I seriously loved this show. The animation was great, the stories were pretty good, the sound effects / voice acting, etc... was top-notch! Overall, it was a really great series. I think because of it's short life this version of Batman gets over looked, it shouldn't.

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    The Bat-Blog's ONE YEAR Anniversary is Today!!

    This is a proud day for me, the writer of this blog. Today is the one year anniversary of the Bat-Blog! I know it sounds kind of corny but it has been really exciting doing this. The best thing has been the open communication with the fans of Batman that exist from all over the world. The countries where we get e-mail from is sort of exciting too. Germany, England, Argentina, Bulgaria, Canada, Mexico, and many others are telling us about their love of the character. When I began the Bat-Blog I was concerned about being able to come up with new material everyday but there are so many angles to the character that it's been a lot easier than I thought. One way we keep things fresh is getting material from readers. We love that because sometimes it's an angle we're not thinking about at the time. People send us photos from their personal collections of Batman Toys & that's always fun. The joy of collecting Batman Toys & Comic Books is what the Bat-Blog is really ALL about. We also try to cover everything else like the TV Shows, Movies, Cartoons, Art Work, etc... The 1st year anniversary has got me thinking about new improvements to this blog. I have some new ideas that I hope will make it a better experience. If you ever have any ideas please send them in. I look forward to doing this year after year so if you're a Bat-Blog or Batman Fan then please help spread the word. Please post a link to us in your Website, Blog, Message Board Postings, MySpace Page, etc...

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    Please Help Promote The BAT-BLOG Today!

    Tommorrow, August 26th, is the official ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the Bat-Blog! I can't believe we have been doing this for one year!! It's really been a labor of love & I hope that shows. The main goal of this blog was to share the love of collecting Batman Toys, Collectibles, & Comic Books. We also love the TV Shows, Movies, Cartoons, etc.. Right now we want to ask a few small things from our readers.
    1. Please promote the Bat-Blog with links on your own Blogs, Message Boards, MySpace Pages, etc...We have buttons/banners all over the place you can use & if you need a special one made, just ask! Up above are 2 examples. Link them to

    2. Please let us know what kind of content you would like to see. We seriously try to cover ALL angles of Batman but might miss out on certain areas.

    3. Please send material ( Pictures & photos ) to us via e-mail. The button for sending us mail is on the right-side of the blog. It's easy to do & we love getting mail anyway, ha ha!

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    Cool Art : Batman Poster Made From Montage of Vintage Comic Book Covers

    This is pretty cool. We got an e-mail from a Bat-Blog Reader named Mike who wrote,

    "I thought you might like this. This is a Batman poster I made of Alex Ross's
    rendition of Batman made completely of individually placed and overlapped Batman comic covers. It took me around 14 hours to do and the real size is 27 by 41 inches. I also did a superman one but this isn't Superman-blog so I'll keep that one to myself. Enjoy!".

    WOW! 14 hours is some serious dedication!! But the overall effect is really awesome. We think you did a super-great job on this & if readers look very closely it DOES look just like Ross's artwork....great job Mike!! Really great!! Thank you for sharing this with the blog. Readers might have to click on the small picture up above for a larger, more detailed,'s cool!

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    Batman Humor : Funny Comic Strip by Fred Hembeck

    Anyone who's ever read a comic book, be it either DC or Marvel, knows about the great cartoon-style art of Fred Hembeck. We're such big fans of his that we added his blog FRED SEZ to our BAT-LINKS page. Be sure to check it out later. For now, here's a very humorous comic strip to enjoy!

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    Vintage Comic Book Ad : 1966 Batman Magic Photo Kit

    Here's a picture sent to us awhile back & we totally lost it on our computer files. It's an advertisement for the BATMAN MAGIC PHOTO KIT & dates from the mid-sixties, probably 1966. The graphics are really cool & I have never seen the actual product that you would get in the mail. If anyone has a picture of that toy then please send it...we're very curious!

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    Original Batman Art Work : Tim Burton's Personal Birthday Card

    Here's a really cool picture sent to us by Dave, a loyal Bat-Blog Reader. He writes, "This photo is a personal favorite of mine. It's an original art drawing by Tim Burton ( The director of 1989 Batman Movie, Edward Scissorhands, & The Nightmare Before Christmas ). It's a cartoonish rendering of Batman & Robin that is sort of surreal because Batman has 2 mouths, very strange. It was a birthday wish to a friend of his....lucky! Please post it." Wow Dave! We love this drawings & we're sure many other Bat-Blog readers are gonna like it too. Thank you for sharing this photo with us. If any other readers have some cool photos to share then please do. You can find our E-MAIL US button on the right-side of this blog.

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    Batman Art Work : DICK SPRANG Framed BATCAVE Art Print

    A new friend to the Bat-Blog, named Hans, sent us this photo of a Batman Fine Art Print he recently purchased & had framed. He lives in the Netherlands & is a huge Batman Fan! The artwork is done by Classic Golden Age Comic Book Artist Dick Sprang. It's a lithograph & Han said it was # 84 of only 175. Wow! This is an amazing piece of art. This was a highly detailed graphic showing the many different aspects of the classic BATCAVE. You see the Giant Penny, The Bat-Computers, The Bat-Vehicles ( Batmobiles, Bat-Plane, Bat-Copter, etc...), The Stuffed Dinosaur, & The Bat-Lab. You also have a Rouge's Gallery with The Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Two-Face, & Catwoman too. I remember when these came out & I really wanted one but could not afford it at the time....looks great Han, great job on the framing too, very nice!! Also, thank you for sending us this photo to share. We wish all Bat-Blog readers send a photo!

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    Batman Wallpapers : BATGIRL ACTION FIGURE & 1966 TV Series

    Here's 2 awesome desktop backgrounds you can use in a MySpace Layout or as a desktop wallpaper. These 2 Batman Wallpapers are both Batgirl related. The 1st one is the new Silverage Batgirl Action Figure to be released by DC Direct in 2008. It's based on the classic comic book art of Carmine Infantino. We seriously love this action figure!! The 2nd one is a photographic montage of different poses by Yvonne Craig, as Batgirl in the 1966 TV Series. This vintage 1960's bombshell is still popular today...MEOW!
    CLICK HERE For More Batman Wallpapers for a Desktop or Free to Use Backgrounds in a MySpace Layout!

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    Video : A Tribute To The 1966 Batman TV Show Series

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    Batman Memorabilia From Around The World

    One thing I love about doing the BAT-BLOG are the e-mails from people from all over the world. It seems like there are Batman Fans everywhere. Germany, France, Bulgaria, Argentina, India, etc...all have products featuring the Dark Knight. here's a few examples. The 1st picture is a Laser Disc made for the Japanese market. It features the 1966 Batman Movie w/ Burt Ward & Adam West. Batman is really HUGE in Japan! The 2nd photo is a RARE piece of Bat-Memorabilia from the UK. Our friends in England use the word "Badges" instead of "Buttons" or "Pins", like we do in the USA. The last photo is a Batman Comic Book from Poland. It is titled "LADERLAPPEN", which sound kind of cool!

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    The BAT-BLOG Turns a New DARK KNIGHT Photo Into Shameless Promotion!

    Here's a new picture from THE DARK KNIGHT Batman Movie showing Alfred ( Micheal Caine ) in the new Bat-Cave explaining to Bruce Wayne / Batman ( Christian Bale ) what he thinks about this blog, ha ha ha! Yes, shame on me.

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    New Batman Toys : 7 Yamato Figures from Japan

    The residents at Gotham City are now available as 4 inch tall figures and each with a bat symbol base! Made by Yamato Japan & distributed by DC Direct. A set of 7 figures contains Robin, Penguin, Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy & 2 versions of Batman.

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    Auction : Original Batman Costume Mask Worn By George Clooney

    Recently on eBay, a very cool auction company called PROFILES IN HISTORY auctioned off the original costume mask/cowl that George Clooney wore in the Batman & Robin movie. I can't remember the exact price but I think it went for $6,000.00. Now, that's a bargain for a one-of-a-kind piece like that! This company has also sold the original Batman, Robin, & Batgirl costumes, from the same movie, in previous lots. Those all brought around $12,000 each. This company always has the most impressive items. "Where do they get those wonderful toys?!", ha ha! The only company I can think of that might compete with them would be Heritage Auctions from Dallas, Tx.

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    Batman Movie News : US Senator PATRICK LEAHY will make an appearance in The DARK KNIGHT

    It's confirmed, long time Batman Fan Patrick Leahy will be making an appearance in the NEW Batman Movie THE DARK KNIGHT. Patrick Leahy is the Senior United States Senator from Vermont. He is a member of the Democratic Party, and is the current chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. A big fan of the Batman comics, he lent his voice in an episode of Batman: The Animated Series as a Governor in a western tale involving Ra's al Ghul & Jonah Hex. He also appeared as a cameo in the movie Batman and Robin during the Jungle Party Sequence. Senator Leahy wrote the foreward to the first volume of "The Dark Knight Archives," a hardcover reprinting of the first four issues of the Batman comic book. We think it's great that somebody so high-up in government is such a HUGE Batman Fan!!

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    Bat-Birthday : JILL St. JOHN from the 1966 Batman TV Series

    Today, August 16th, is Jill St. John's 67th birthday & we wanna wish her the best!! She's made many appearances on both film & TV. She appeared as "Molly" in the 1966 Batman TV Series & was also in the 1971 James Bond film "Diamonds Are Forever". Plus, she is extremely HOT!

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    Wacky Homemade Batmobile & Bat-Blog Promotion

    I found these 2 photos of a "Homemade Batmobile" on one of my favorite Batman Message Boards. When I saw them I knew they had to be shared here because they are so hilarious! Some guy made his own Batmobile & we think he did a really great job on it. I mean, it's not a totally accurate & perfect replica car but it's really really funny! We love it when bat-fans get creative!! Speaking of creativity, the next photo is my own personal work truck, Ha Ha!! Yes, I found some white-vinyl stick-on letters at a garage sale recently & decided to advertise the BAT-BLOG on my tailgate. Who knows, maybe somebody will see it in traffic and when they get home they will come check out the BAT-BLOG web can't hurt & ya gotta try to promote yourself ANY way you can. In fact, we wanna ask all our loyal Bat-Blog readers to do the same, ha ha!!

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    Vintage Sixties Batman Memorabilia - Toys & Paper Items

    OK, We have been posting a lot of the new photos from THE DARK KNIGHT Movie so we thought we would get back to what the BAT-BLOG is really all about & that's cool Vintage Batman Toys! The 1st photo is a personal favorite, mainly because they are so cute & extremely hard to find in an unopened package, that's the Box of 1960's Batman Valentines Cards. The retro-style graphics on these are really great to see! The next item is pretty RARE also. It's a Batman & Robin Punch-Out Book made by Whitman ©1966. Again, the graphics are great!! It's also kind of funny that you could buy it for 29 cents. If any readers have photos of some of your cool Batman Memorabilia then please send them in to us to share.

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    THE DARK KNIGHT Movie : More Photos of Heath Ledger as The Joker

    These new photos from THE DARK KNIGHT Batman Movie speak for them self. They feature more of what Heath Ledger will look like as The Joker in the new bat-film. These pictures, more than ever, really show his costume & make-up very well.


    Please put the JOKER Banner ( The Dark Knight Movie )
    seen below on your MySpace Layout, Blog, or Website!!
    Just copy the code below & paste to your profile! Thank You!

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    New Photos : Batman Action Shots From THE DARK KNIGHT Movie

    These just in! Here's some action shot photos from the new THE DARK KNIGHT movie of Batman scaling a wall to dive on a car below ( The Joker maybe ??? ). Also, We're not sure if this is actually Christian Bale or a stunt man but it's still cool to see! The movie is currently shooting in Chicago & will be released in 2008.

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