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Illamasqua Liquid Metal in Solstice Swatches

Summer is coming so I bought something I think I will use a lot. Solstice is one of the four shades of Liquid metals Illamasqua offers. It is so golden and so so so pigmented. The bad thing is that it creases like crazy on my eyes :( even with a primer. But it still can be used as a base for powder eyeshadow, or on lips, face etc. Do you have a Liquid Metal? Any tips to stop the creasing, except changing my eyes? :)

Léto se blíží a tak jsem si udělala radost menším nákupem, který v létě hodně využiju. Solstice je jeden ze čtyř odstínů, které Illamasqua v současnosti nabízí. Je zlatý a neuvěřitelně pigmentovaný, stačí opravdu troška. Negativem je, že mi na očích vůbec nedrží a to ani s bází. I tak se ale dá použít jako barevná báze pod stíny, nebo na rty, tváře atd. Máte nějaký liquid metal? Nějaké tipy, jak ho udržet na očích déle než půl hodiny? :)

on eyes after 20 minutes

small amount on lips


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Essence Underwater

Hi all!

How are you all doing today? Most of us Dutchies have the day off tomorrow because of Queensday, but still I'm in a hurry! No time to lose, on to Essence Underwater - One of Essences new colors that the lovely Michèle picked up for me when she was at DM in Germany.

Essence Underwater, three coats in daylight. Underwater is a very bright, though not neon, blue frost. You can see the frostiness in the first picture, while the second is more color accurate. Application on this one was fine, no big deals! I was a bit scared of blue colored nails afterwards, but thankfully I didn't have the slightest staining.

Happy Queensday tomorrow all! Don't go out and celebrate too much ;)

Thanks for stopping by!

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China Glaze Rodeo Fanatic with Konad

I can´t wait any longer, so I tried my new Konad plates. I won them from Mary and wanted to take a picture with everything else, but looks like all is lost :( So today I have for you a mani with plate m37. Simple light blue flowers on a darker base.

Už to déle nevydržím a musím vyzkoušet svoje nové konad destičky. Vyhrála jsem je u Mary a chtěla vyfotit všechny ceny až přijdou dohromady, ale vypadá to, že všechno ostatní se ztratilo :( Takže dneska jsem razítkovala s destičkou m37. Jednoduchý vzor světle modrých kytiček na tmavě modrém podkladu.

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Spring... so colorful! Just look at the colors, makes you want them as nail polish :) Looks like nail polish is getting on my brain. tak barevný! Člověk by všechny ty barvičky chtěl jako laky na nehty :) Už mi hrabe...

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New Eyeko Polishes - Swatches and Review

Eyeko recently launched five new shades of nail polish and I had the opportunity to try them out. So let´s have  look at them :) All swatches are no base coat and no top coat.

Značka Eyeko nedávno přišla s pěti novými odstíny laků na nehty a já jsem měla možnost je vyzkoušet. Tak se na ně pojďme mrknout. Fotky jsou bez podlaku a nadlaku.

Petite Polish
Classic sheer french pink. I don´t wear polishes like this and I don´t like french manis, so this one was nothing for me. On the pictures I have three coats, sorry about the ugly nails :(

Klasický lak na francii, žádný zázrak to rozhodně není. Sama si takové laky nekupuju, francie se mi nelíbí, je to asi to nejnudnější, co si člověk na nehty může udělat. Tři vrstvy a omlouvám, že za ty šílený nehty.

Tea Rose Polish
Now this is a very pretty shade, I like it a lot. It was a bit on the thick side, but nothing major. Covered very nicely in just one coat.

Moc pěkný odstín. Trošku hustší konzistence, ale nic zásadního. Pěně kryl v jedné vrstvě.

Coral Polish
Super bright coral creme. This one will be great for summer! Again a bit thick and needed three coats. I don´t have a nice coral in my collection, so I am glad I have this one now.

Zářivá korálová, bude perfektní na léto! opět trošku hustší, tentokrát ale byly potřeba tři vrstvy.

Posh Polish
At last a nice taupe that goes well with my skin tone. I am sure this will be a very wanted shade. The great thing is you need just one coat, I love that :)

Pěkná taupe barvička (překládat tenhle odstín nebudu ani zkoušet). Myslím, že bude hodně populární. Super je, že stačí jen jedna vrstva.

Vampira Polish
The winner! I love glitter in a black base. Does it remind you of something? Yes, it is very close to China Glaze Lubu Heels, but for me better. It is more opaque and covers in just two coats (in need three for Lubu Heels). I will make a full mani with this one, really lovely.

Vítěz! Je nádherný....červené třpytky v černém základě. Něco vám připomíná? Ano, je opravdu hodně podobný China Glaze Lubu Heels, ale lepší. Kryje už ve dvou vrstvách (Lubu Heels potřebuje tři). S tímhle si nalakuju všechny nehtíky, už se nemůžu dočkat.

Comparison: Lubu Heels (index and ring) versus Vampira (middle and pinkie)

Overall nice collection of colors. I think everyone will pick at least one shade. If you like french manis, you will go for Petite and if you are a bad girl, you will grab Vampira. I also think that the formula of these improved, they are much more pigmented and not sheer and streaky.

Celkově pěkná kolekce barev. Na své si přijdou milovnice nudných francií i zlobivé holky. Pozitivní je i vylepšená konzistence laků, jsou mnohem více pigmentované, nejsou řídké a neproužkují.

* the product(s) in this post were sent to me by the manufacturer or their PR company.

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Models Own Magenta Divine

Hi all!

How are you all today? Are you as tired as I am after only two days of work? I feel like I ran a marathon or something! Anyway, today I have Models Own Magenta Divine for you.

Models Own Magenta Divine, three coats in daylight. Magenta Divine is a clear based magenta glitter. Woah, glitter! It has been a while since I wore this kind of glitter.. Pretty though! Application was fine, I find that glitters have some kind of manual for application. I want the glitters evenly divided on my nails and sometimes glitter just sticks together. I didn't have that issue with this one though!

In the same range as Magenta Divine, there's Emerald City. I own Emerald City as well, so I'll try to swatch it somewhere later this week. I find myself really busy since I started working more, so I can't do my nails as often as I'd like. All will be fine though, I'm sure! I just have to find some kind of rhythm and balance in my life :)

Thanks for stopping by!

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Where should I buy my polishes? :(

I am so fed up :( I am a nail polish blogger and a big addict, you all know that. I love to buy nail polish. First I used to go to then they stopped shipping China Glaze internationally, so I started to shop at Looks like this will end too. They used to ship using flat rate envelopes and boxes, with which you could still get a good price on the polish. Now that is over. I really don´t know where to go next :( Nail polish in my country is really expensive ( OPI costs 17 dollars) and I don´t print money. Any sponsors?

Jsem pěkně naštvaná :( Bloguju o lacích na nehty a taky jsem jim pěkně propadla, to všichni víte. A moc ráda je nakupuju. Nejdřív jsem chodila na, pak ale přestali posílat China Glaze mimo USA, tak jsem začala nakupovat na Tomu už je ale také konec. Výhodné balíčky už nadále nejsou v jejich nabídce a nakupovat laky přes ně se už nevyplatí. Teď už opravdu nevím kde nakupovat. U nás jsou laky předražené a v zahraničí nám to víc a víc komplikují. Nějací sponzoři?

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Playdate Pics! And OPI Over The Taupe

Hi all!

If you're following me on Twitter, you probably know that it was playdate time yesterday! I met up with Michèle from Lacquerized, Karin from Romika's Nails, Michelle from The Lacquer Files and Natasja. We all brought a ton of polishes (though this wasn't nearly everything we own!) and were dazed with the amount of polish on the table. This is what a playdate with five lacquer ladies looks like:

And from a different angle:

Michèle and Karin actually had their polishes in their Helmers, so they are not even all visible in these pics! Woah! Can you imagine us just staring at all the bottles, not knowing which polish to pick?

We all picked a polish to paint our nails with and since this is my nail blog, what would this post be without a pic of our hands and nails?

Clockwise, starting from the top: Michèle - wearing purple H&M Hello Kitty with Sally Hansen Garnet Lapis, Karin - wearing Milani Hi-Tech, Michelle - wearing Hard Candy Mr Wrong with Hard Candy Breakup on top, Natasja - wearing Orly Cashmere Cardigan and me - wearing OPI Over the Taupe.

I'm wearing OPI Over the Taupe as a NOTD (which I borrowed from Michelle - thanks dearie!! <3 ), but I spiced it up a little with some flowery stickers. I actually have some weird kind of bubbeling in my polish, not regular bubbles but very teeny tiny wobbly parts that look like they lay under the polish. Michèle told me she has the same thing. I have no clue what caused this bubbeling.. Anyway, here are some pics of today's manicure!

OPI Over the Taupe, three coats with one coat of Nubar Diamont and flowery stickers. Over the Taupe is a gorgeous taupe creme. I really like this color! I took advantage of all the bottles on the table and it's no dupe of Eyeko's Taupe Polish, Catrice Lost in Mud or Catrice From Dusk To Dawn. Application was good. The polish was a little watery at first, but it all went well in the end.

A little closeup of my ring finger:

It's just the accent to make the color pop! I really like these stickers. I got them as a freebie with an order at Veelnagels/Veelsieraden, a Dutch etailer.

Dear Michèle, Karin, Michelle and Natasja; I had a great time yesterday and I hope you did too! I'm looking forward to the next playdate (Michèle, hurry up with your date picker! ;) )

Thanks for stopping by!

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Zoya Happi (Reverie Collection 2010)

I really like the greenish gold flashes this polish has, but VNL after three coats? Too I don´t know what to do with it. Guess I will keep it :)

Moc se mi líbí zeleno zlaté odlesky, které tenhle lak hází, ale prosvítá i po třech vrstvách :( Teď nevím, jestli si ho nechat nebo ne, ale asi mu ještě dám šanci :)

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OPI Jade Is The New Black (Hong Kong Collection 2010)

I can´t help myself...this looks just so ugly on me. I don´t like the color and would never wear it *runs to hide in the corner* I know this is a big hit, but I just don´t feel this color on me. You can even see that from the way how badly I applied it :)

Nemůžu si pomoct...ale tahle barvička je na mě taaak ošklivá. Vůbec se mi nelíbí a nikdy bych ji nenosila *utíká se schovat do kouta* Vím, že je to velký hit, ale já se v ní prostě necítím. Je to vidět i na tom, jak křivě jsem ho nalakovala :)

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China Glaze Chrystal Ball

Hi all!

It's a quicky today, so I have more pics than words lol! Today I have China Glaze Chrystal Ball for you. I've been lemming Grape Crush ever since I saw it on MUA and Chrystal Ball has a similar finish so when I saw this one for sale, I grabbed it. It's discontinued, but I don't know when (Will look into that!). On to the pics!

China Glaze Chrystall Ball, three coats in daylight. Chrystal Ball is a medium soft red with holographic particles in the polish. Nice! I really like this finish. It dries a bit gritty though as you can see, so you'll need some topcoat to make her smooth and more shiny. Application on this one was great, as was the drying time. It dried so quickly!

Please note that you can see different colors in the holo particles irl! My camera didn't capture the effect on the nails, but you can see it in the bottle.

I will be searching for Grape Crush, but in the meantime, I'll enjoy myself with Crystal Ball. What do you think of this polish?

Thanks for stopping by!

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OPI Bling Dynasty (Hong Kong Collection 2010)

This polish was fun. When I put it on and took pictures of it in the shade, I was not very exctited about it, but when I took it out to see the sun, it revealed its full beauty. Like if I found some kind of a treasure :) It actually looks like antique gold, really very pretty.

Tenhle lak byl zvláštní. Když jsem ho nalakovala a začala fotit uvnitř, byla to docela nuda, ale když jsem ho vzala ven na sluníčko, bylo to jako vykopat poklad :) Vlastně trošku jako poklad vypadá, jako staré zlato. Opravdu moc pěkný kousek.

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Color Club Warhol (Poptastic Collection 2010)

Another really bright neon polish for this summer. Nothing special, but if you like neon pinks like me, you will like this one too :) I have three coats and of course a clear top coat, as this dries matte.

Další výrazná neonka na letošní léto. Nic uchvacujícího a co by tady už předtím nebylo, ale jestli podobné láčky máte rádi, bude se vám líbit i tento :) Mám tři vrstvy a samozřejmě nechybí ani bezbarvý nadlak, protože zasychá matný.

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Orly Pixy Stix

Hi all!

Sorry voor mijn afwezigheid gisteren, ik had een ontzettend gezellig etentje gisteravond en daarna geen tijd meer om een nieuwe post te uploaden. Vanaf vandaag gaat posten weer zoals normaal :)

Vandaag heb ik één van de lakken uit de Orly Sweet collectie voor jullie; Pixy Stix. Ik heb deze geswatcht voordat ik mijn nagels korter heb gevijld, dus schrik niet van de sprong in lengte.

I'm sorry about not posting yesterday, but I had a very lovely dinner last night and I didn't have time to upload a new blogpost. Posting will be normal again from now on :)

Today I have one of the polishes from the Orly Sweet collection for you; Pixy Stix. I swatched this one before I filed all my nails down, so there's a little jump in nail length.

Orly Pixy Stix, drie laagjes in daglicht. Pixy Stix is een zachte roze creme met een beetje zalmkleurige ondertoon. De lak heeft een goede textuur, dus lakken was fijn. In drie laagjes is Pixy Stix volledig dekkend en de droogtijd was goed.

Orly Pixy Stix, three coats in daylight. Pixy Stix is a soft medium pink creme with a little hint of peachy (I would have said salmon color, but I don't even know if you know what I mean when I say that lol - is it even a word? Salmon color?) in the undertone of the color. Application was good; the polish has good structure so it was easy to work with. I used three coats for complete opacity. Drying time was good.

I really like this color, but.. It's pink! It must be the 65th pink in my stash or something! It has something that makes it different from the rest though. Maybe it is because it looks like a soft pink that is bright at the same time. I don't know, but it's a pretty color and I think pink lovers will like this one.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Chanel Intermezzo

From the fall 2009 collection comes this white milky polish with pink shimmer. I have three coats and the nail line is still visible. One of the reasons why I am not a big fan of this polish. It is nothing special and a bit streaky. Not worth the price for me, but I am sure the sheer lovers out there will like it :)

Z podzimní kolekce roku 2009 je tenhle mléčně bílý lak s růžovými odlesky. Na fotkách mám tři vrstvy a pořád ještě prosvítá. To je i jeden z důvodů proč z tohodle laku nejsem moc nadšená. Nepřijde mi nijak extra úžasný a navíc ještě pruhuje. Jsem si ale jistá, že vyznavačky podobných laků budou slintat blahem :)

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Giveaway Winner!

Hi all!

So my Teeny Tiny Giveaway ended last night. A little reminder of the prize:

Eight polishes from Lizzie Foxy Fingers.

I had to exclude some of the entries, because some people entered after the giveaway closed and I had a couple entries that I couldn't match with the followername.

There was a total of 47 entries, that I put in The Hat. I shuffeled the names three times and let The Hat pick the winner. Without further ado: the winner is....

Michelle from The Lacquer Files! Congratulations!

I want to thank everyone for entering in this small giveaway and of course I thank you all for reading. Without my readers, I wouldn't have as much fun in writing this blog as I do now, so I thank you all for that <3

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China Glaze Cowgirl Up

I love trying new polishes, but I also never forget about the old ones. One of them is Cowgirl Up, which is my favourite polish of all time. I think I will have to buy a backup bottle :) What is your favourite polish?

Moc ráda zkouším nové a nové laky, ale také nikdy nezapomínám na ty staré. Jedním z nich je i Cowgirl Up, můj nejoblíbenější lak ze všech. Radši si koupím další lahvičku, nikdy bych o něj nechtěla přijít :) A jaký je váš oblíbenec?

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