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Artist Profile: ERIK VON LEHMANN's Comic Art Portfolio

If you're a regular reader of the Bat-Blog then you know how obsessed I am to always find really good material for Bat-Fans to enjoy, ha ha! Well, the other night, I came across the online art portfolio of a commercial artist named ERIK VON LEHMANN. ( Click on the small pictures above to see large, very detailed, photos ). His artwork is really amazing & to be honest there was so much good material there that it was hard to pick just a few for this story! He has a very unique style & draws many different comic book characters but it seems his main focus, or inspiration, is The Dark Knight himself! I can tell from the love he puts into these drawings that this guy is a HUGE Batman Fan so that's cool. Anyway, here are just a few examples of this talented artist's work. Be sure to click the button below to check out more of his original comic art. Oh yeah, Thanks Erik for allowing us to use these images, they're really really great!!

Official Website of Erik Von Lehmann's Comic Art Portfolio

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