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THE New DARK KNIGHT BATMAN Bat-Pod Toy Reminds Me of...


Anybody who grew up during the 1970's had, or knew a kid that had, the Evel Knievel Stunt Show Bike Playset!! This vintage toy is a certified classic! It was made by Ideal & basically it was a toy motorcycle with "action figure" doll of Evel Knievel that had a special hand-crank launcher. You locked the bike into it, gave a few cranks, hit a button, & zzzoooommm! off it went! I had one as a kid & played with it for many hours. It was a highly successful toy line in the 70's & was even recently reproduced. OK, this brings me to the photo of the new Batman Bat-Pod Batcycle toy ( from the Dark Knight movie )you see in the photo. Notice any resemblance?! I have 2 nephews & I know I'm gonna have to get them one of these, it looks very cool! Of course I'm gonna have to get me one too, Mint In Box of course!

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