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Readers, We need your help to find this Batman Logo!

This morning I got an e-mail from Chris Gardner. He's an illustrator for House Industries, a major design firm. He's the guy who designed the new Batman logo for the comics books. He also did the ones for Detective Comics & Batman Gotham Knights. I have always loved that new logo so it was kinda neat to get an e-mail from him. Anyway, his question was if I knew of any bat-products, besides the comic book, to utilize that exact logo. New toys always have the movie or TV show logos or use an older Batman logo. So, besides the T-Shirt with this logo, do ANY readers out there know of any bat-products out there using this logo? It's the one featured in the lower graphic. Please e-mail the Bat-Blog or just leave a comment down below & let us know. If you can send a photo that's great but even if you can't just let us know...Thank You.

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