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DC COMICS SUPERHERO Plastic Figure BATMAN Foreign Prizes!

Our dear friend Ramiro, from Argentina, recently sent these wonderful pictures showing a few plastic figures from his personal vintage toy collection. ( Click the small picture up above for a larger, more detailed, photo ). He says, "These were made in 1980 - 1981 & are very very hard-to-find! These were prizes & premiums from different companies in Argentina, Brazil, & Italy. SUPERMAN, BATMAN, ROBIN, SUPERGIRL, ROBIN, and FLASH .....were made in Argentina & Italy for PATATOS. JOKER, CATWOMAN, PENGUIN, RIDDLER, HAWKMAN, SHAZAM, CLARK KENT, AQUAMAN, GREEN LANTERN, GREEN ARROW, were made in Brazil for the Pepsi-Cola Company's Promotion". The photos above mainly show the Batman-related figures but they are all really well done with nice details. Because of their small size I could see how they would be difficult to find & are a great addition to the BAT-BLOG Photo Collection, Thank You Ramiro! I know the BAT-BLOG Readers are gonna really like these! Readers, be sure to check the 300+ posts in the BAT-BLOG ARCHIVES for many other RARE New & Vintage Batman Toys!

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